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Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s
Republic of China, as:

MCI Counselors Law & Tax (Asia) Limited


Register Number 1794704  ●  Share Capital HK$ 50,000  ●  fully paid up

Director: Martin Kraeter

Vice President Asia: Phillip Kraeter  ●  Legal & Tax Domicile: Hong Kong

Shenzhen Administrative Region of the People’s
Republic of China, as:

MCI CLT (China) RO /

Shenzhen Central European Nations Communications Technology Co., LTD
Tax ID 91440300MA5FON2644  ●  Registered Capital RMB 500,000

Board of Directors: Martin Kraeter, Michael Wening, Chengshuang Chen

Vice President Asia: Phillip Kraeter  ●  Legal & Tax Domicile: P.R.C.


Community Elbtalaue, Federal Republic of Germany, as:

MCI CLT (Europe) Branch

License Number 40-32.50.10

Chief Executive Officer: Martin Kraeter  ●  Chief Legal Officer: Alexander Ottavio

Vice President Europe: Alexander Ottavio  ●  Legal & Tax Domicile: Emirate of Dubai – U.A.E.

Government of Dubai, Dubai Aviation City Corporation, as:

شركة أم سي آي سي أل تي الشرق الأوسط دي دبليو سي ش.ذ.م.م

Register Number 4104  ●  License Number 4486  ●  Share Capital AED 300,000  ●  fully paid up

General Manager: Kirsten Kraeter  ●  Chief Executive Officer: Martin Kraeter

Vice President Middle East: Kirsten Kraeter  ●  Legal & Tax Domicile: Emirate of Dubai – U.A.E.

Hong Kong Office

1/F ● CMA Building
64-66 Connaught Road ● Central ● Hong Kong ● SAR of P.R.C.
Phone: +852 | 3652 7648 ● Telefax: +852 | 3583 4834

Shenzhen Office:

R 25E, 25/F ● SangDa Ya Yuan ● HuaFa North Road
Futian Technology District ● 518031 Shenzhen ● Guangdong ● P.R.C.
Phone: +86.755 | 8252 2443 ● Fax: +852 | 3583 4834

Hanoi Office:

Số 6, Ngõ 127/38/14 ● Hào Nam
Ô Chợ Dừa ● Đống Đa ● Hà nội ● Việt Nam
Phone: +84.86 | 522 91 50 ● Fax: +852 | 3583 4834


Europe Office:

Weinbergsweg 3
D-29456 Hitzacker (Elbe) ● Federal Republic of Germany
Phone: +49.5862 | 309 79 23 ● Telefax: +49.5862 | 309 79 24 ●

The Hague Office:

WTC World Trade Center
Prinses Margrietplantsoen 33 ● 2595AM The Hague ● Netherlands
Phone: +49.173 | 367 35 57 ● Telefax: +49.5862 | 309 79 24

Dubai Office:

1/F ● Dubai World Central Headquarters
P.O. Box 712570 ● Dubai South, Dubai ● United Arab Emirates
Phone: +971.4 | 557 13 73 ● Telefax: +971.4 | 432 84 48

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