Property Markets

(Hanoi, 13.01.2019) Talking about property markets and the (cultural & economic) differences:


Actually spending the last month of the Lunar Year in HaNoi, it is very interesting to see, how a booming property market can also be aligned in a direction which limits the risk of overheating . . . or even crash.

We see - although not comparable in total - similarities to the market mechanisms in China over the last decade.

The focus on the middle and end (user) market first and foremost "fits" perfect to the society relations in a still (nominal) Socialist Country.
But what counts more: Speculation and flipping, as well as over-sensibility to volatility in pricing and demand/offer play with such status in the market only a minor role.

Described limitations and shrinks on the supply side against increasing migration demand we do not see as a critical factor, more as a healthy corrective which leads to good opportunities in future.

The property market in Dubai in the years 2002 till 2008 (the crash).

Read more about it here.


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